Final answer key in pdf for BSNL JTO LICE EXAM will be uploaded as soon as the committee declares it.
Recently BSNL has conducted BSNL JTO LICE EXAM on 7th AUGUST 2022 for promotion of JE to JTO cadre. A provisional answer key has been declared and uploaded on the JTO LICE EXAM PORTAL for the analysis of candidated. To Download the Provisional Answer key in pdf for JTO LICE EXAM conducted CLICK HERE PROVISIONAL KEY
Also, a grievience portal has been opened for the cadidated for uploading the grievances, in case any Answer of the Question of found wrong in the provisional answer key, cadidate can go to the Grievances portal and upload the correct answer for the question. CLICK HERE FOR GRIEVANCE PORTAL
For more information on BSNL JTO LICE Exam keep visiting the website. Thank you.!